Saturday, January 21, 2012

Joe Sexton is now filming for VG

I glanced at the new "Greetings from Joe Sexton" but didn't think much of it. I figured it was just a random video that they filmed because he knows Riley and everything. When I actually watched the video just now, Joe makes it sound like he's filming a full VG part! There have surely been roster changes and Joe is most likely just filling in for someone that got dropped or isn't filming with VG anymore. For example, I talked to Alex Andrews and he said he's filming exclusively with Burton this season. Anyway, I'm super stoked about Sexton filming for VG. Next years VG video is going to be sick, despite there being little snow seemingly everywhere. The snow is starting to come around though like earlier this week 55 inches dropped in Jackson and about that much in most of the Pacific Northwest, and everywhere in Montana except Bozeman. It's crazy how none of it hits Bozeman...