Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Chris Grenier in Oslo. I only posted this because of what he does at 1:35... If you have a sense of humor like me you'll think this is hilarious

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Last Weekend at Bridger Bowl

Bozeman finally got dumped on. This is my friend Aaron and his go pro camera.

At 1:02, really sick gap. Aaron scared me with that one, but the best feeling ever after you ride away (one of the few drops I've actually ridden away from, it's fucking hard to land in powder).

At 1:53, that was an untouched cliff that Aaron and I discovered. Fucking nuts. And after that cliff, we rode through the first real powder I've ever experienced. It was like floating on air (well, snow is mostly air, but suck it). My first couple turns through the snow in which I felt no hard surface below, my legs starting tingling from the feet up all the way through my thighs. After the day was done, I was ecstatic; the happiest I had ever been.

What they say about powder is for real. I couldn't describe how I felt, but Aaron summed it up by saying "You're high on life". It was absolutely true, I felt drunk, but I wasn't intoxicated. Maybe what I was feeling is what true happiness feels like. I kept thinking about how "the pursuit of happiness" is in the Declaration of Independence. Doubtlessly, the pursuit was fulfilled that day.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Crazy photography

Corduroy Lifestyles: Check them out

Give these guys a look, they're puttin out some awesome photos of MN riders including an interview with Danimals in their first edition. A lot of local stuff.


Saturday, February 18, 2012


Josh showed me this at work today, still laughing 8 hours later

32 Italy/France

This place looks fun, and 32 absolutely destroyed it. It looks alot like Brighton...

Oh yeah, peep the last guy's board (Jack W)

Friday, February 17, 2012

the aft on edit from da boyz

MT vs. MN Essay

The Way We Ride

A personal non-fiction essay by Jack Haren

Whether it’s a chairlift or a towrope, I’m at the top of the hill in less than five minutes. This is how it’s always been. On the way up, we talk about each other’s past run, and speculate on why the rest of our crew is not here riding along side us.
Once at the top, clicking down my ratchets, my bindings tighten and I’m strapped in. It has become a monotonous task now that I’ve been doing the same thing for years. It beats being in shoes–every time. After I’m done, I wait for members of my party to strap in while I finish the conversations from the lift in my head.

My party finishes strapping in. Our run starts. It might last for less than a minute, but a lot can happen. We form a line and hit the first batch of rails. Then, we stop to hit the second batch of rails one by one. We watch each other land tricks, get excited, yell, and perhaps get silently jealous. People watching from the lift do the same thing. It’s a community here, and if you’re good, you get a response.

The run ends with you riding away with the best feeling in the world, or material to critique while on the chairlift. You wait for your group and start the process all over again. Minnesota: this is the way we ride.

Here in the Midwest, we are deprived of mountains most of the season. I hear many stories about annual travel to the mountainous states of the West; these trips are their way of getting a fix of long runs, deep powder, and steep terrain. They always come back. Perhaps it’s just because they call the Midwest home. But maybe they figured out that even though nothing compares to mountains, nothing compares to the Midwest either. I am figuring this out on my own now that I’m in Bozeman, but back when I had never been, I had deeper revelations to get out of the foothills and into the mountains. This is why I chose to go to school in Montana: to learn how to ride the mountains and explore the western point of view.

I worked two jobs, minimized spending, and had little fun all summer to compensate for the out of state tuition costs. The extra effort is how important experiencing mountains are to me. Mountains are what I have dreamt since my first run down my front yard hill. However, now that I have witnessed the Montana way, disappointment saturates me. It is much different than I had thought for all these years…

It started in early October. I’m strapped in again. The feeling is universal, but it is what is in front of me that is different: the terrain, the slope, the snowpack. The physical differences are there, but the mentality, the vibe; that is where the real difference lies.
My newly acquired friend David hatched a plan to go find snow. He had looked in depth at all the forecasts and concluded that there would be some powder at Sacojawea Peak. At the word powder, I was already suited up and went along. Ski areas in the Midwest open early as Halloween, so in Montana, early October snow didn’t surprise me.
It didn’t surprise anyone else either, and they decided not to care on top of that. I expected a full parking lot just like Minnesotans–often from far away–filled up the parking spaces on opening day. We drove and drove and all of a sudden we were slipping and sliding up the mountain in the midst of dumping snow. We saw no one else. The parking lot ended up being empty upon arrival, and empty upon departure.

After this adventure, the snow drought had begun, and it lasted weeks after Bridger Bowl’s opening. Either way, was going to opening day at Bridger Bowl. I had bought my pass months in advance like I had been doing for years. I wanted to go with my friend, and I heckled him to get his pass, but he wouldn’t. He claimed, “He didn’t need it yet”. The reason? Not enough snow.
Despite the 3rd worst winter conditions ever, there have been an epic pair of powder days. Even with the huge mountain around them, they still find it unsatisfying. I guess it just goes back to that they can’t understand how good they have it until they experience the worst: like Minnesota. The drought I talked about earlier applied to Minnesota as well. Back home, it’s usually dirt in pre-season, and ice the rest of the time. This season, they won’t even have ice–just grass–the entire season.

In Minnesota, we appreciate what we have and dream about the luxury of a huge mountain, but we still never think of how lucky WE are. This is what both have in common. Minnesotans and Montanans never think about how lucky they are compared to the rest of the world. Seven billion people now populate the planet, and less than 1 percent have the opportunity to partake in one of the greatest things in the world. And we, as snowboarders and skiers, are complaining even though we do something that 99% of the world can’t do.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Shaun White

Shaun White

My views of Shaun White have been changing recently. Here are some thoughts–although a little jumbled–on why that is.

On Shaun White
An Essay by Jack Haren

It’s easy to become a fan of Shaun White as because of how much attention he gets. The media, especially on the X-Games, make him out to be the only snowboarder alive; and sometimes, the best snowboarder that has ever lived. This is why all the haters hate: it simply isn’t true. There are many other facets of snowboarding that the mainstream audience doesn’t know about. Only the contest scene is really represented to the mainstream audience. In my mind, the filming aspect is just as big as the contest scene. The X-Games is moving toward representing that side by implementing the Real Snow Street and Real Snow Backcountry video contest, but it’s kind of hard for the mainstream audience to hear about it if it doesn’t get any broadcasting coverage. But, anyway, back to Shaun White:

Shaun White is definitely the best half pipe rider in the game; he has definitely proven that with his dominance on the contest circuit, not to mention a couple of Olympic gold medals. But that doesn’t make Shaun the best snowboarder alive. To be that guy, you’d have to be a more of a well-rounded snowboarder. To do that these days is becoming more and more difficult because every facet has progressed so much. You almost have to concentrate on one discipline to keep up. Shaun has shown that he has skills in slopestyle competition, and even some skills in the backcountry with the film First Decent, but the past few years have been exclusively pipe riding for him.

Hype and media coverage often make people jump to the conclusion that people with fame are full of themselves. For those of you who think that, think again, because I know two people that can vouch for him being a nice guy because they’ve met him multiple times in person. Even if that changes your mind on him being a dick, there’s still the “he doesn’t have passion for snowboarding anymore, he just does it for the money”. I think his last half pipe run puts that allegation to rest because he had the contest won, and he still put down arguably the best pipe run ever. You may say he was a dick for crushing the competition when he had it won, but I think he did it for the sport of half pipe snowboarding, to progress the level even more.

White compared to the rest of the field isn’t that much amazing trick wise. I mean someone has a switch double McTwist now, and multiple riders in the field can do many variations of the double cork. Shaun is usually one step ahead, however. This year, it was the regular double cork 1260. Nobody else can do that. What sets white apart is his ability to do the tricks higher than most, and also link them together with ease. Both of those things actually say a lot about his riding. His average height is usually five feet higher than everyone else, and nobody else can keep their speed and bearings when linking two, three, four–and in Shaun’s case– and entire run of heavy tricks. And by heavy, I mean HEAVY with all capitals.

Being arguably the best pipe run ever, I don’t think the X-Games judges were out of line when they gave a perfect score. By definition, nothing can be perfect, but after watching his run again, I think it was pretty close, at least for a snowboarding pipe run. The X-Games weren’t saying that is the best pipe run that can EVER be landed EVER. They were just saying that this run is the best that could be landed as of now. Next year, that run may not get a perfect score because the riding level will once again be raised.

My biggest problem with Shaun White is that he has this weird, robotic, contest like style. I think most contest kids get that way when they ride too much in front of judges. I was pleasantly surprised while watching the X-Games; he actually did a decent looking method!

He is a huge sellout. I don’t blame him for wanting to make some money, but he’s gone way too far with the crappy acting career and Stride gum commercials. But on the other hand, his popularity also has made the snowboarding much more popular and in turn one of the most highly anticipated events in the Olympics. I commend him for that. He’s spreading the word, the love, and the joy of something that most people can't even express how fun it is. The more people know about this fun activity, the better.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Sorting out the VG mindfucks

Zac Marben filming for a new Volcom video

Jed Anderson and Justing Bennee filming for the Nike video

Ethan Deiss and Alex Andrews filming for the new Burton video

Louif...no idea what happened

Tuddenham probably got dropped even though he's super gnarly

Saturday, February 11, 2012

VG and KTC Early Teasers: aaaaaAAAAHHHHH!!!!

But I didn't see Jed Anderson in the opening credits? Did Joe Sexton replace him on the roster? Is VG doing this for hype? Is VG making a second film like last season? Dun. Dun. DUN...

The Darkside Early Teaser from VIDEOGRASS on Vimeo.

KTC: Holy Smokes Early Teaser from VIDEOGRASS on Vimeo.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

This Week at Backcountry Club

The backcountry club here at MSU-Bozeman screened the ski movie titled Attack of La Nina. I stuck around for this video because I want to expand my knowledge on skiing and make better, unbiased judgements on their sport. This video was really long and it was mostly backcountry big mountain skiing. I still stand by my opinion that most skiers don't have much style. Skiers just look sloppy in powder and when dropping cliffs, they roll down the windows every time. These skiers got gnarly in La Nina; they dropped numerous huge cliffs in this video compared to shred flicks. What I liked most about this ski video is that they showed more of the lifestyle aspect of skiing. They showed injuries and campsites on their trips, and that made the video really cool. But, they did go too far on this at times and conveyed the typical goofball, unprofessional skier mentality. They fell into the stereotype in other words. Anyway, I'm looking forward to next week's video. PUNCE.

2012 Moonlight Basin PBRJ

Colton, Shane, and Cullen placed in the open division, and Vanessa wrecked shop in the girls division, winning that easily. I also competed, but in the 16 and over class. Despite seemingly doing very well, I didn't place. Multiple people were surprised when hearing this and immediately said I got "robbed". Since Minnesota blood almost swept the open and won the girls division, I felt like I didn't do my part by placing in the 16 and over, stupid as that sounds. So at the end of the day, as much fun as it was, I was left feeling disappointed but optimistic. Now, it's pure disappointment as I didn't even make it into the edit. That would have made it all worth it. Whateve, I know it's my own fault. My contest strategies obviously don't work, and I simply need to get better at snowboarding. Feeling sorry for myself won't make the situation go away. I got to know all those riders and again, as stupid as it sounds, I think I gained myself a little respect at least. I will redeem myself at the Chamberlain rail jam either way; it's going to get FUCKED UP puncey. -Jack Haren

Custom Coyote Sticker

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Red Bull Stratos Project

Yet another Red Bull project that's insane. Seriously, how much money do they have to do this stuff?

Monday, February 6, 2012

feat. Nate Kranz, a skier homie.

Untitled from Chris Pearson on Vimeo.

Sin Eyewear model.

Picture 19919 « Sin Eyewear Shows 2012 Line | TransWorld Business

Blackjack is Back

Logan recently re-discovered this hidden gem. coyotes killed it back in the day in their old park. They closed in 2008 due to lack of investors. Turns out they know what to invest money in, tow ropes and decent park features.

I Can't Believe it's Not Butter Box
The Death Kiss Super Kink and the Fire Flame Flatty
Bottom feature, steezy spot referred to as "Chateau Hammur-Bangur" by the locals.
Feature in the "Broad Axe Park" one of their three extensive terrain parks. Rail known as the DisASSter Blaster.


DWD Teaser

Not to be a hater, but the filming looked super shaky and sketch. But this video looks like it will be super super puncey either way.

Dinosaurs Will Die Team Video Teaser from Sean Genovese on Vimeo.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Current State: Snowboarding by David Benedek

Damn, I've been waiting for this book to come out for two years and now that it's finally out, it costs $150 with shipping. That's absurd. The book must have took a massive amount of work, and there is simply no other book like it and is a must have almost since the printing will only be limited quantities. It looks extremely well done, but still, give me a break David, 150 dollars?



Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The Mountain Dot Com


TSO Photography on Vimeo

I came across this while searching something else. TSO's other stuff is probably really cool too. I only watched the first half of this.

The Mountain from TSO Photography on Vimeo.

Throwback Thirstday: MDP's Follow Me Around

I just watched this for the first time in a longgg time and wow, what a classic. The soundtrack and the cinematography of Mack Dawg hasn't been matched since their departure from snowboarding films. One of my oldest snowboard videos and actually probably one of the best I own.

"We went down to Chile for some summer snowboarding in August. When we arrived in Valle Nevado, you couldn't even see across the street. The road from Santiago was shut down because of high abbey, so we were left all alone at the resort to do whatever we wanted. Four days later, nine feet of fresh, blue skies...trapped in Chile dude. All time."-Jeremy Jones, Follow Me Around

Shitty audio on this...